Site Rules & Guidance

Rules and guidance for new members. The Boundary Way Allotment rules are currently as follows:

Our rules

Here is a simplified list of basic rules, the full Constitution and Site Rules can be viewed and downloaded by following the link in Further Guidance below.

  • Do not allow weeds to spread
  • Look after communal paths and boundaries
  • Do not allow rubbish to accumulate, take it home and bin it
  • Do not bring too many items onto the plot. It is not your garden to do with it what you want.
  • Do not have fires: compost green waste. (Speak to a committee member if you have wood to burn)
  • Save water by capturing the run-off from structures on your plot

Further Guidance

If you have visitors coming to Boundary Way, please ensure they have read our Site Etiquette page.

BWAA Constitution and Site Rules

This is the detailed rule book last updated in 2019.

Tenant's agreement

This is the agreement that the Local Authority requires us to keep.

Guidance for taking on an overgrown plot

National Allotment Society (NSALG) provide guidelines for clearing a new plot.