January 18th 2021

Blue Monday Herbal Remedy - Mind Medicine

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Today, Monday 18th January 2021, we have the pleasure of coming up against Blue Monday. As the third Monday in January, today is unfortunately supposed to be the most depressing day of the year! Why? It is said to be a combination of the dark nights and Wintery weather, financial pressures and post-Christmas blues - lovely!

Luckily for you, the Boundary Way Project has you sorted today and we are determined to beat the blues with a series of exciting online content to brighten your day. We started today off with a wonderful seasonal Poetry Workshop from Emma Purshouse and Steve Pottinger, and are going to continue the uplift this morning by sharing an exciting recipe from our resident herbalist, Maria Billington. Take it away Maria... "This tasty and aromatic medicine is something that can really help us through the dark Winter months, year on year – but particularly in 2020/21 with the difficult times we are all facing" and on Blue Monday, it is the perfect remedy! "This mind medicine is filled with three herbs that work synergistically to calm anxiety, promote mental alertness and clarity, help strengthen memory and lift depression - making them perfect for the winter season." Mind Medicine Recipe Ingredients:

  • 25 g dried rosemary
  • 25g cardamoms
  • 25g fennel seeds
  • 150 ml vodka
  • 150 ml water

Method:Crush herbs well in a mortar and pestle. Place in a jar and cover with the liquids and give a good shake. Store in a cool and dark place for two weeks–shaking daily. Strain through a fine muslin and bottle Dosage:2 or 3 teaspoons in a little water daily (or as needed). Drop doses can also be used–up to 3 drops under the tongue used like a rescue remedy if feeling foggy brained. Please note: "If you are making herbal preparations for yourself or others make sure you are aware of any medical condition that could be impacted by the herbs–generally speaking most herbs used in these methods will be fairly safe to use for most people if used in moderation. Please use common sense or if you’re unsure ask your friendly local herbalist.” For more Winter Herbal Recipes visit our resource section here.