January 6th 2021

Poetry Premiere Evening Success

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The Boundary Way Project were delighted to hold their first ever large-scale online event in December in the form of a wonderful Poetry Premiere Evening. The free event was part of the project's Winter Wonder Programme of workshops and events, taking place via Zoom and featuring exciting premiere performances of a new collection of poems inspired by nature, green spaces and the Winter Season.

The event was organised in collaboration with the Poets, Prattlers, and Pandemonialists - Emma Purshouse, Steve Pottinger and Dave Pitt - who created and hosted an evening of inspiring and moving nature themed poetry for over 30 people. The event premiered three commissioned poems from the Summer by the Pandemonialists and 3 commissioned Winter poems by poets Kuli Kohli, Priyanka Joshi and Santosh Kumari from the Punjabi Women Writer's Group in Wolverhampton. There was magic in the reading and sharing of each commissioned poem, each of which reflected the changing seasons and green space - locally and further afield.

Alongside the wonderful commissioned poets, we were delighted to be joined by some of our poetry workshop participants from the last few months. Each participant shared the work they had been creating with poets Emma and Steve, with the entrancing results ranging from artistic concrete poetry to triolets.

As many will attest, it was a wonderful event that allowed literary connection and creative sharing. We hope that if you attended, you thoroughly enjoyed the evening, and we hope to be running more sessions like this in the future so watch this space! In the meantime, Emma and Steve are running the final in their series of three seasonal nature poetry workshops online on the 18th January. For more information and to book your place click here.

This event was part of Boundary Way Project's Winter Wonder season - a series of events and activities that make connections, explore natural heritage and develop new ways of working. This has been made possible thanks to a funding award from the government's Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage. For more information click here.